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CCE coordinated a sign-on letter urging the Court to take into account whether paroling patterns not consistent with the 1987 regulations and teh 1991 policy statement would in practice be lengthening the sentence of incarceration for individuals beyond what those in the courtroom or on the Parole Board expected or intended them to serve under proper application of those guidelines.
January 2024. CCE's 2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan, which was adopted by our Board of Directors in December 2021, calls on CCE to publish certain race equity metrics and set up a transparent progress to share progress annually to advance public accountability around our race equity goals. This report presents select updates on the progress made in 2023 (not inclusive of progress made in 2022), identifies some important items that have been delayed in implementation because of staffing, capacity, or other challenges, and shares some demographic metrics we are tracking toward our overall diversity goals.
Adopted by the Board of Directors in December 2022, these Meeting Norms and Values are to ensure that CCE’s activities are consistently inclusive and respectful spaces for all participants to have a free exchange of ideas. The purpose of this policy is to affirm and foster a collegial environment of empathy, understanding, education, and respect between and among CCE Board Directors, Committee members, volunteers, event or meeting attendees, contractors, and employees (“CCE Partners”). We believe that articulating our values and accountabilities to one another reinforces respect, encourages candor and free expression, and provides us with clear avenues to correct our culture should it stray.
Every CCE Partner – regardless of their role in a specific CCE activity – is empowered to address inappropriate behavior or discriminatory or unwelcome comments, either in real time or after the fact. CCE has established the following process to be followed whenever someone reports that a CCE Partner has violated CCE’s Meeting Norms and Values.
We recognize that this policy seeks to address a wide range of unwelcome or prohibited behaviors and potential responses, and that one size does not fit all in terms of impact, intent, or consequences of policy violations. The goals of accountability will always include informing, educating, and repairing harm, but the gravity, legal implications, or sensitivity of a violation may also necessitate other consequences for individuals who are found to have violated this policy. This section provides guidelines and principles to guide CCE’s responses, but necessarily requires some discretion and flexibility.