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On February 11, 2021, CCE's Executive Direcotr Misty Thomas testified before the Committee on the Judiciary and Pubic Safety of the Council of the District of Columbia at the Performance Oversight Hearing for the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.
CCE submitted comments to the DC HIstoric Preservation Board regarding the instant historic landmark designation application filed for the site of CORE DC's new men's halfway house. CCE urged the Board to reject the application so CORE DC can move forward with construction, and the DIstrict can open a new halfway house for men.
In May 2020 CCE joined local advocates to write to the DC Council and Mayor Bowswer with recommendations for further COVID-19 responsive actions in DC's criminal legal system to better meet the needs of people who are incarcerated or returning home to the District from prison and jail. CCE is actively leading work on several of the recommendations in coalition with our partners.
CCE Executive Director Misty Thomas testified before the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety of the Council of the District of Columbia at the Performance Oversight Hearing for the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants.
CCE Deputy Director Emily Tatro testified before the Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety of the Council of the District of Columbia at the Performance Oversight Hearing for the Clemency Board.
CCE Deputy Director Emily Tatro testified before the Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety and the Committee of the Whole of the Council of the District of Columbia in support of B23-0440, or the "Removing Barriers to Occupational Licensing for Returning Citizens Amendment Act of 2019."
CCE's Deputy Director Emily Tatro testified before the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety and the Committee on Facilities and Procurement of the Council of the District of Columbia regarding the "Moving the Office of Returning Citizen Affairs Amendment Act of 2019."
CCE Policy Analyst Adam Bernbaum testified at a public hearing before the Committee on Recreation and Youth Affairs of the Council of the District of Columbia regarding Bill B23-0291, or "The Detained Youth Access to the Juvenile Services Program Amendment Act of 2019."
CCE Board President Patrick McGlone testified before the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety of the Council of the District of Columbia at the "Restore the Vote Amendment Act of 2019" hearing.