CCE Mission

Founded in 1982, the Council for Court Excellence (CCE) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic organization that envisions a justice system in the District of Columbia that equitably serves its people. CCE identifies and proposes solutions by collaborating with diverse stakeholders to conduct research, advance policy, educate the public, and increase civic engagement.




Latest News

  • CCE and Auditor Release New Report About Crossover Youth in D.C.

    CCE and Auditor Release New Report About Crossover Youth in D.C.

    CCE, in partnership with the Office of the D.C. Auditor (ODCA), released a report which finds that the District’s child welfare and delinquency systems are not meeting the needs of “crossover youth,” who are young people who have been involved with both systems. This new audit report, "A Broken Web: Improved Interagency Collaboration is Needed for D.C.’s Crossover Youth," underscores the need for enhanced collaboration and targeted interventions to improve outcomes for both the young people themselves and community safety.

  • Please join us for Meet the Next Chief Judge Forum!

    The Council for Court Excellence invites you to join us and our distinguished co-sponsors for "Meet the Next Chief Judge" on June 13, 2024. At this candidate forum, interested members of the public will hear from the judges who have applied to succeed the Hon. Anita Josey-Herring as the Chief Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

  • CCE Releases "More Data is Needed on the Use of Solitary Confinement in D.C."

    New CCE issue brief outlines a years-long effort to get basic data about DC's restrictive housing use and notes concerning trends in the very limited information that DOC provided.

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