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Give Goods or Services

Some of our most generous contributions aren't even money!

Can your company print an educational booklet that will be distributed for free to the DC community?

Would you like to host a small gathering of CCE friends who share your passion for justice?

Could your law firm host a training program that sheds new light on policy and legislation?

We are always looking for creative ways
to grow our circle of support.

Maybe you know someone who could provide centerpieces or wine for an event... 

Maybe you are cleaning out your library of law books...

Or maybe you just have an extra hour to deliver pamphlets to your local library...

These contributions of time and materials are deeply appreciated! Please contact our development staff by email or by calling 202.785.5917 if you'd like to support CCE with an "in-kind" donation like this.

Copyright ©2011-2012 The Council for Court Excellence. All rights reserved.